Check It Out!

I was checking my “Blog Stats,” a couple of days ago, just taking note of where visitors to the blog are from and various other interesting tidbits that help you run your blog smoothly, when I noticed that I was getting a lot of hits from South Africa.  Now, I see hits from all over the world coming in, so that isn’t necessarily a surprising thing, but there seemed to be quite a few of them in one week.  I found a link back on one of the visits and out of curiosity, clicked on it myself.  It took me to a really nice e-magazine from South Africa, and an article on cool ways to use leftover bricks.  I was happily taking note of some of the projects and saving the pics for my husband’s use, when I happened to come upon something that looked very…familiar!  Imagine my surprise when I got to picture #6 in the article!  Check it out, here:

E-Mag Article on Ideas for Decorative Uses of Bricks

I really enjoyed the article, got a few new good ideas, and was very flattered that our pond had been included.  The little link below each picture that says “Via,” is a linkback to the blog or website where the photos were obtained, by the way, and some of them are worth checking out, too.  I was very happy to have a link back to my blog, and it is obvious that I’ve had visitors generated from this article.  What a nice surprise it was!  The world of blogging gets more interesting to me every day.

4 thoughts on “Check It Out!

  1. Thanks. It was fun, that’s for sure. And my husband was really pleased. He’s very proud of all his brickwork. (Many, many long hours he’s spent, scrunched up down there, laying those pathways. But it’s so worth it.) Thanks for stopping by! Hope you’ll come back often.


  2. Thanks, Jennifer. It was such a treat to realize that folks in South Africa were seeing pictures of our pond in an article in an e-mag, and then clicking through to see the whole post, or maybe even visit the rest of the blog. It’s sort of amazing.

    And thanks for visiting and commenting! Have a great evening!

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