In An Excess of Riches…


…Jennifer at My Life As A Single Mom has nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award.  Thank you so much, Jennifer!  This has been an exciting 24 hours in my blogging life.  I really appreciate receiving this!

In order to accept this award I must post seven interesting things about me, then nominate seven other bloggers who I feel deserve the award.  I don’t know how “interesting” they are, but here are seven things about me.

1. I was an Army brat, and never finished a single year of school in the same school until I was in high school.  I went to a total of 23 different ones before graduation.

2. I would rather buy books or plants than clothes, any day, consequently whenever any special occasion comes up where my usual daily attire of old shorts and tee shirts would not be acceptable, I have to race around like a thing possessed, shopping for something decent to wear.  Luckily, we lead pretty quiet lives, and this doesn’t happen often.

3. For anyone who doesn’t know already, I am writing my first book, a romance novel–with a ghost.  Because romance by itself just won’t do it for me, I guess. It is turning into a real learning experience, whether it ever gets published or not. And it was about time, too, since I announced to the world at five that all I wanted to be when I grew up was a writer.

4. I’m tall. 5’10-1/2″ to be exact. I have no friends as tall as I am.  Not even men. Hahaha.  Maybe I’m not REALLY tall.  Maybe I just hang around with short people?

5. I have never lived a day in my life that I can remember without cats. I’ve loved them since I was very young, and apparently my son and now my granddaughter are exactly the same. (My daughter likes them, but prefers dogs.) We currently have four.

6. I don’t know how I would live without a computer in my life.  After going the first 55 years without one, turns out I’m a latent computer geek of some sort, even though I don’t understand all of the technology.  I don’t understand internal combustion engines, either, but I can drive a car.

7. I paint. I’ve painted all my life. I’ve made a living at times, selling various painted things, and I’ve taught painting. If I could actually squeeze past all the stuff that’s currently stored in my studio, I’d be painting stuff for Christmas right now. If I were going to add an 8th item here, it would be that I hate housework, which explains why my studio is crammed full of things that don’t belong there.

Okay, that’s my seven things about me.  Now for seven blogs for you to check out:

1. Everyday Explanations

2. Tracy Loves History

3.  Candace Knoeble

4. This World Through My Eyes

5. Leaf and Twig

6. J. C. Conway

7. My Life Is Really In The Garden

There you have it.  An assortment of writers, photographers and gardeners.  Hope you find one or two you really enjoy!

Thanks again to Jennifer for this lovely award! 

7 thoughts on “In An Excess of Riches…

  1. Hehehe… when my peep hangs ’round other peeps shorter than her, she ‘feels’ tall. But she isn’t. ‘Cause she’s short. Oh, and by the way… I’m a cat. I hear you like ’em! purrs
    Nissy from Nerissa’s Life
    PS.. CONGRATULATIONS on your pretty award!


    • Hi, Nissy! My cats, Molly, Abby the Tabby, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, and Sgt. Karrin Murphy, say hello, too, and purrs back atcha! Thanks for the congratulations, and for stopping by and commenting. Hope you’ll come back often, and check out my other blog, Bookin’ It, as well. Have your peeps read them to you. I mention cats now and then…especially Tybalt, a Caith Sidhe and King of All Cats, in one of my favorite series. Tybalt RULES!


    • Thank you so much, POP! Always a pleasure to meet another cat lover. Of course, if you spend any time around either of my blogs, you soon find out I’m a dachshund lover, too. But that’s a fairly recent development, and by the time my two little sausages are ready for that Great Dog Park In The Sky, I probably won’t be replacing them. They are a lot of work. I always say cats are like having roommates. Dogs are like having children.
      I love them dearly, but at my age, cats are a LOT easier.

      Hope you’ll stop back by often.


  2. Congratulations!!! I love cats, but I am deathly allergic, so I have a Yorkie, a tiny lap dog who things she’s a cat. And I have an outside cat, a stray that I feed every day and now lives on our patio. 🙂


    • I’m not deathly allergic, thankfully, but the cats do make me sneeze if t hey are too close to my face for long. They don’t get to sleep with us, either, or I’d wake up really congested. But I’d be bereft without them. I saw your pictures of your adorable Yorkie, and I’m sure you’ve seen my two sausagey devil dogs. They all enrich our lives so much, don’t they?

      Always good to hear from you, SC!


Say Hello To Granny!