Arizona Sun Gaillardia


Gaillardia “Arizona Sun”
Picture found online.

We lost another of our beautiful big oak trees a few weeks ago, and the shade that came with it. Consequently, the bromeliads that had been planted around the mailbox were suddenly in full sun, and burning up rapidly. Mark moved them out, and I bought three nice looking bright yellow lantanas, one for behind, and  one for each side of the mailbox, and then I went looking for something low and colorful (and cheap) for in front of it. I ended up with some very nice looking gaillardias that I think will give me several months of color, while I consider something more permanent in this spot. The variety I found was Arizona Sun, and I’m really looking forward to seeing them in full bloom. Hope they will look just like these pictures! Who grows gaillardia? Have any luck with it?

In Florida, winter is the time for many annuals that just can’t take our heat, including petunias, nasturtiums , and dianthus, to name a few. This is my favorite time of year to garden…or at least, it soon will be. I can feel just the tiniest hint of fall weather first thing in the mornings, even though it’s still hitting 90 or so by mid-afternoon. But even that little bit is enough to get me in the mood.


8 thoughts on “Arizona Sun Gaillardia

    • So sorry I missed your comment, Marjma. It was waiting for approval and for some reason, WordPress isn’t sending me all of my notices on things like that. I’m glad you like the flowers. The really are bright and beautiful, and will make a gray winter day sunnier. Thanks for stopping by! And next time, I’ll try to remember to search the Comments button here on the blog to be sure there isn’t anything waiting that WordPress neglected to notify me about. 😦

      Have a great rest of the week.


        • Oh, I’m glad to know it’s not just me! Not that I want YOU to be having trouble, too, but it has been driving me crazy as I tried to figure out what I had set up wrong. Probably changing some things around like the new set-up for posting (which, btw, I hate. I keep clicking on the button that lets me use the old one). My best to you, as well.


  1. Wait, let me get my sun glasses… They are gorgeous. I’ve never planted them, so I have no experience with them.
    So sorry to hear of the oak tree. I probably will not recognize your place. I remember all the big oak trees. Do you know what has been happening to them ? You did see all the pic that I posted on Face book of some of my flowers, right? I know you responded to the bromeliad, I’m not that off. LOL :/


  2. The oak trees are laurel oaks. They only live 40 to 50 years, and mine are all in the 40 years range. They are dying of old age, except for the one big one that was hit with Sudden Oak Death. One week it was green, and by the next weekend, it was dead as a doornail. Not a green leaf on it, and bark falling off. We have now lost three, and the one left standing out by the curb will probably be gone in another year or so. It makes me so sad!!

    Gaillardias are annuals, very colorful. I think you can probably grow them from seed, Felix. You are really good with seeds. Me, not so much.

    I seldom get to Facebook unless I’m tagged and an email comes in. Sorry I don’t always see your posts. 😦 I really hate social media, and it’s all I can do to remember to update my FB pages a few times a week. I try. But the only part of it all that I really enjoy is blogging. For some reason, that suits me much better. OKay, I confess, I love Pinterest, too, but not FB or Twitter or Tumblr, etc. I’ll try to do better about checking your timeline more often, sorry.


  3. Marcia, when Mum and I were still living in her house (over five years ago now), we bought a couple of Gaillardia seedlings at a local nursery. Stuck ’em in the ground, watered as needed and they did very well. No fuss at all. Hope yours do as well, too. ~ Linne


    • Hi, Linne! Thanks for the info. I hope they do well, too, but I’m afraid I did a bad thing that might hamper them, at least in the beginning. It’s still so hot here, and I forgot them in their nursery pots, and they wilted pretty badly. However, the ones for the mailbox are in the ground and look like they’re perking up, and the others are slowly looking happier, too. I plan to put some in hanging baskets with some dark purple coleus for contrast. Will take pictures when I get those done.

      Nice to see you here today, and thanks for taking the time to comment. Have a great rest of the week! 🙂


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